Replication slot does not exist

I'm not a DBA but I have been tasked with setting up a database and streaming replication and repmgr is the tool I have decided to use. The master goes on fine and I can see it registered in the replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist after standby ... replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist after standby clone operation #452

I'm not a DBA but I have been tasked with setting up a database and streaming replication and repmgr is the tool I have decided to use.[2016-07-22 15:39:36] [ERROR] unable to drop replication slot "repmgr_ slot_2": ERROR: replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist. postgresql логическая репликация - невозможно отменить… postgres=# select pg_drop_replication_slot('mysub'); ERROR: replication slot "mysub" does not exist.Поскольку вы не смогли отбросить слот репликации, неудивительно, что создание новой подписки с тем же именем (и, следовательно, слотом для репликации) терпит неудачу. Пример использования логической репликации PostgreSQL max_replication_slots — максимальное количество replication slot’ов ; synchronous_commit — имеет такой же смысл для логической репликацииИспользование логической репликации. На обеих машинах создаем какие-нибудь таблицы: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test; CREATE...

Неактивные слоты репликации и проблемы, которые они... /…

Specifies the maximum number of replication slots (see Section 25.2.6) that the server can support. The default is zero. This parameter can only be set at server start. wal_level must beSetting it to a lower value than the number of currently existing replication slots will prevent the server from starting. Monitoring Postgres Replication - pgDash | Physical … Logical replication works only via replication slots. A replication slot can be created for either physical replication or logical replication.It also says that this connection does not use a replication slot – if it did, the “slot_name” column would not be null. Geo database replication (GitLab Omnibus) | GitLab Documentation for GitLab Community Edition, GitLab Enterprise Edition, Omnibus GitLab, and GitLab Runner.

Cloning and replication slots - repmgr

[Из песочницы] Replication slots в PostgreSQL | Форум primary_slot_name = 'standby_slot'. После перезапуска резервного сервера снова отключим его от основного и сгенеримReplication slots это отличный инструмент, повышающий надежность и удобство репликации в PostgreSQL. replication slot "repmgr_slot_2" does not exist after… and the replication slot exists on the primary in inactive state. Are you sure the standby is actually connecting to the primary? What does executing this: psql -d 'port=5433 user=repmgr host=''pgmaster-preprod''' -c 'SELECT slot_name, slot_type, active FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots'. postgresql - Slot replication not working in Postgres 9.4 -…

SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots; SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot(' localharvest_sub '); Multi-Master. Can we configure multi-master using PostgreSQL built-in replication? The answer is no, because the built-in logical replication does not yet provide a mechanism for implementing conflict resolution.

How do I fix the message, "FATAL: could not start WAL streaming: ERROR: replication slot "geo_secondary_my_domain_com" does not exist"? This occurs when PostgreSQL does not have a replication slot for the secondary node by that name. You may want to rerun the replication process on the secondary node . Create replication slot in pg_basebackup if requested and not ... Create replication slot in pg_basebackup if requested and not yet present. Hi, with the default configuration improvements so far for 10, it seems to be very easy to setup streaming replication (at...

PostgreSQL 9.6 log shipping replication stuck on startup ...

Physical and Logical replication API - PostgreSQL The replication stream will send all changes since the creation of the replication slot or from replication slot restart LSN if the slot was already used for replication. You can also start streaming changes from a particular LSN position,in that case LSN position should be specified when you create the replication stream. Example 9.7. Failover slots for PostgreSQL - A physical failover slot can be created, just like a logical failover slot. Does this mean pglogical can be used to fail over to a logical replica? Failover slots do not aid logical replication solutions in supporting failover to a logical replica. They exist to allow logical replication to follow a physical failover.

Resolution: The publication does not exist for a given subscription. ... The active column indicates whether or not the replication slot is active.